Outcomes Students should be able to
Key Words
1. Introduction
Course Introduction
Introducing Planet Earth
the major environmental and social issues facing their respective communities
Environmental and social issues
Documentary, In-class discussion, Reflection
2. The World We Live In
Understand the different types of Natural Resources
Understand and explain the critical components of Ecosystems
Understand and explain the major Causes Ecosystems to Change
Understand and discuss the impact of feedback Loops on the environment
Easter Island,
Natural Resources, Renewable, Non-renewable, Ecosystem, Direct and Indirect
Driver of Change, Positive and Negative Feedback Loops
Lecture, in-class
discussion, Group Activities, Reflection
3. Environmental
damage influencing social and environmental health in a community
Understand the importance of biodiversity for
a healthy environment
Understand the major causes of biodiversity
Understand the concept of Natural Capital and
how it can be used to prevent biodiversity loss
Understand the actions individuals can take to
positively impact on the environment
Genetic, Species, Ecosystem, Ethical Values, Biodiversity Hotspots, HIPPO,
Habitat Loss, Invasive Species, Pollution, Population, Exploitation,
Conservation, Economic Value, Natural Capital
Lecture, in-class discussion,
Group Activities, Reflection
4. Environmental
damage influencing social and environmental health in a community
and Energy Management
Understand the causes and effects of waste and
waste management
Understand use of energy and the management and production of (alternative)
Waste, Waste
Management, Corrosive, Ignitability, Reactive, Toxicity, 5 Rs, Outreach
Programs, Alternative Energy Resources
Lecture, in-class discussion,
Group Activities, Reflection
Community Environmental Issues
Presentation I – Problem Identification (25%)
Group Presentations
6. Environmental damage influencing social
and environmental health in a community
Climate Change
Understand the meaning of Climate Change and
Global Warming
Understand how the greenhouse effect impacts
on the earth’s climate
Understand how humans have contributed to global warming?
Understand the effects of global warming
Climate Change,
Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Tipping Point,
Inequality, Vulnerability, Climate Change Sceptics
Lecture, in-class discussion,
Group Activities, Reflection
7. Adaption and Mitigation in
Climate Change
Understand how the international community is
approaching climate change
Understand how communities and organizations
adapt and mitigate to climate change effects
Understand how to integrate adaptation and
mitigation into sustainable development project
Kyoto Protocol,
Global Governance, Economic Vitality, Global Warming, Mitigation, Adaption,
Technology Innovations, Collaborative Consumption, GOAL
Lecture, in-class discussion,
Group Activities, Reflection
8. Introduction to Sustainable
Be able to discuss the issue of the commons
Understand the key principles of Sustainable Development
Discuss some of the Sustainable Development models
Be able to discuss the ways of measuring sustainable strategies
Be able to discuss potential solutions to the current
unsustainable practices
Development, Tragedy of the Commons, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Three Spheres,
SD Principles, Gross National Happiness (GNH), Human Development Index (HDI),
Manifesto for Living
Lecture, in-class discussion,
Group Activities, Reflection
9. Participation
in Sustainable Development Projects
Understand why community participation is important for CBNRM
Understand the importance of social inclusion and gender in
CBNRM projects
Understand how Adaptive Management provides
a framework for dealing with complex and ever-changing environment
Participation, Consensus, Levels of Participation, Gender Inequality and
Gender Analysis, Social Inclusion,
Lecture, in-class discussion,
Group Activities, Reflection
10. Introduction to Corporate Social
Understanding of Social and Environmental
responsibility in organizations
Understand the driving forces of CSR adoption
by organisations
Understand the different models and strategies businesses use to
implement their social responsibilities
Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR), CSR Continuum, Carroll’s Pyramid, Intersecting and
Concentric Circles CSR Models, Social Policy,
Lecture, in-class discussion,
Group Activities, Reflection
11. Including CSR in Community-Based
Understanding the idea of Inclusive Business
Including CSR in your organization
Inclusive Business,
Economic Pyramid, Stakeholders, Partnerships, Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE)
Lecture, in-class discussion,
Group Activities, Reflection
12. Community Solutions
Presentation II – Solutions (25%)
Group Presentations